Lung Cancer in the Elderly
陳育民(Yuh-Min Chen)
肺癌 ; 老年人 ; 化學藥物治療 ; 肺葉切除 ; lung cancer ; elderly ; chemotherapy ; lobectomy
The Philosophy of Chest X-Ray Film Interpretation
江自得(Chi-Der Chiang)
Clinical Manifestations of 35 Cases of Narcolepsy
陳信如(Shihn-Rur Chen) ; 蕭光明(Guang-Ming Shiao) ; 劉勝義(Shen-Yi Liu) ; 彭瑞鵬(Reury-Perng Perng)
猝睡症 ; 猝倒 ; 多重睡眠潛伏期試驗 ; narcolepsy ; cataplexy ; multiple sleep latency test
CEA is More Useful than Cytokines in the Differential Diagnosis Distinguishing Malignant Pleural Effusion from Benign Conditions
陽光耀(Kuang-Yao Yang) ; 陳育民(Yuh-Min Chen) ; 蔡俊明(Chun-Ming Tsai) ; 彭瑞鵬(Reury-Perng Perng)
吸引激素 ; 細胞激素 ; 肋膜積水 ; 癌症 ; chemokine ; cytokine ; pleural effusion ; malignancy
Determination of Respiratory Disability in Taiwanese Coal Miners
楊傳音(Chuan-Ing Yeoh) ; 郭建興(Chien-Hsing Koo) ; 楊錫欽(Shieh-Ching Yang)
煤礦工塵肺症 ; 呼吸障害鑑定 ; 肺量測定 ; 肺瀰散量測定 ; coal workers' pneumoconiosis ; determination of respiratory disability ; spirometry ; measurement of diffusing capacity
Experiences in the Treatment of Recurrent Pneumothorax after VATS: Focusing on Operative Findings
童詠偉(Yung-Wei Tung) ; 徐中平(Chung-Ping Hsu) ; 莊政諺(Cheng-Yen Chuang) ; 謝聖怡(Sen-Ei Shai) ; 夏君毅(Jiun-Yi Hsia) ; 楊適生(Shyh-Sheng Yang) ; 陳志毅(Chih-Yi Chen)
胸腔鏡輔助手術 ; 復發性自發性氣胸 ; video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery ; recurrent pneumothorax
Performance of the BDProbeTec ET Assay for Identification Of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis from Clinical Isolates
BDProbeTec ET系統由臨床培養檢體中鑑定Mycobacterium Tuberculosis的臨床運用
許至仁(Chih-Jen Hsu) ; 白冠壬(Kuan-Jen Bai) ; 周梓光(Tzu-Kuang Chou) ; 江振源(Chen-Yuan Chiang) ; 索任(Suo Jen)
結核分枝桿菌 ; 非結核分枝桿菌 ; BDProbeTec ET ; M. tuberculosis ; Nontuberculous Mycobacteria
Postoperative Chylothorax Subsequent to Cardiac Surgery
袁師敏(Shi-Min Yuan) ; 郭加强(Jia-Qiang Guo)
乳糜胸 ; 併發症 ; 心臟手術 ; chylothorax ; complication ; heart operation
Acute Abdomen Due to Unusual Metastatic Manifestation of Pulmonary Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Case Report and Literature Review
李正雄(Cheng-Hsiung Lee) ; 林明憲(Ming-Shian Lin) ; 戴元昌(Yuan-Chang Dai) ; 薛尊仁(Tzuen-Ren Hsiue)
腹部急症 ; 扁平細胞癌 ; 小腸破裂 ; acute abdomen ; squamous cell carcinoma ; small bowel perforation
Post-Extubation Pulmonary Edema: A Case Report
陳奕仁(I-Jen Chen) ; 陳炯睿(Chiung-Zuei Chen) ; 朱遠志(Yuan-Chih Chu) ; 薛尊仁(Tzuen-Ren Hsiue)
肺水腫 ; 上呼吸道阻塞 ; 喉部筋攣 ; 胸內負壓 ; pulmonary edema ; upper airway obstruction ; larygospasm ; intrathoracic negative pressure
Scrub Typhus Complicated with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Meningoencephalitis and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation: A Case Report
陳鴻仁(Hung-Jen Chen) ; 杭良文(Liang-Wen Hang) ; 夏德椿(Te-Chun Hsia)
恙蟲病 ; 急性呼吸窘迫症候群 ; 腦膜腦炎 ; 血管內凝血病變 ; Scrub typhus ; ARDS ; Meningoencephalitis ; DIC
Silicone Fluid-Induced Pulmonary Emboli: A Case Report
曾若琦(Jo-Chi Tseng) ; 花仲涇(Chung-Ching Hua) ; 謝文斌(Wen-Bin Shieh) ; 張良慈(Liang-Che Chang)
液態矽膠 ; 肺栓塞 ; silicone fluid ; pulmonary emboli
Nodular Pulmonary Amyloidosis Mimicking Metastatic Malignancy: A Case Report
周翊(Yih Chou) ; 朱遠志(Yuan-Chih Chu) ; 陳芬芬(Fen-Fen Chen) ; 薛尊仁(Tzuen-Ren Hsiue)
類澱粉沈著症 ; 肺結節 ; 剛果紅染色 ; 偏光 ; amyloidosis ; pulmonary nodules ; Congo-red stain ; polarized light
Amiodarone Pulmonary Toxicity: A Case Report
Amiodarone 引起之肺毒性:一病例報告
游永惠(Yung-Huey Yu) ; 張西川(Shi-Chuan Chang) ; 蕭光明(Guang-Ming Shiao) ; 彭瑞鵬(Reury-Perng Perng) ; 李永賢(Wing-Yin Li) ; 楊安航(An-Hang Yang) ; 陳名聖(Ming-Sheng Chern)
肺毒性 ; amiodarone ; pulmonary toxicity
Chronic Necrotizing Pulmonary Aspergillosis: A Case Report
洪保龍(Paw-Loong Ang) ; 夏德椿(Te-Chun Hsia) ; 杭良文(Liang-Wen Hang) ; 林智一(Tze-Yi Lin) ; 楊蓴(Shwen Yang)
慢性壞死性肺麴菌病 ; 半侵入性肺麴菌症 ; 麴菌病 ; chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis ; semi-invasive pulmonary aspergillosis ; aspergillosis
Vocal Cord Dysfunction Mimicking Asthma: A Case Report
盧建宏(Chien-Hung Lu) ; 王鴻昌(Hong-Chung Wang) ; 盧朝勇(Jau-Yeong Lu)
氣喘病 ; 氣流與肺容積曲線圖 ; 聲帶功能異常 ; asthma ; flow volume curve ; vocal cord dysfunction
Pulmonary Lymphangioleiomyomatosis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
吳崑明(Kun-Ming Wu) ; 許清寅(Chin-Yin Sheu) ; 曾歧元(Chi-Yuan Tzen) ; 陳培然(Pei-Jan Chen)
肺淋巴管平滑肌增生症 ; 血管肌肉脂肪瘤 ; lymphangioleiomyomatosis ; angiomyolipoma